Layla was surrounded by love and so were we. It wasn’t unusual to meet someone new from Mama’s family practically every week. It was amazing how much they loved Layla, and she was thriving. Come to think of it, so were Maggie and I.
Mama was always coming and going around the house, but lately it seemed like she was just checking in briefly now and then. We knew she was still at the flower shop everyday and also very busy as a midwife.
Maggie and I were usually home after work by 5pm or so, and I was usually the first one home to relieve whoever was there caring for Layla that day. Since I was also the first to leave, letting Maggie take the morning shift with our “caregiver of the day,” I never really knew who I’d be coming home to, so that evening I was surprised to see Mama sitting with Layla in the old rocking chair that had been retrieved by Myra from one of their houses. Myra said she wanted to bring it over “‘cause a lot of babies had been loved on in that old chair.”