I walked over.
“Hello, my name is Jim.” I said. “May I help you ladies select a fine wine? I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re celebrating a graduation from nursing school.”
I thought it sounded a bit formal, but I was a Southern gentleman after all.
Maggie looked at me with a whimsical smile and said, “My goodness, Jim, how thoughtful of you, but what makes you think we need your help selecting wine?”
Well, this had me stumped. I really had not expected this challenge, and a bit defensively I said, “Well, I did just pass the state bar exam!”
Maggie blinked and looked at her girlfriends and turned her head back to me. With a twinkle in her eye, she said, “And so which bar in New Orleans will you be working in?”
Her girlfriends laughing hysterically. I just stood there, really not seeing that one coming, but Maggie thought it was hilarious and from that moment on it was love at first sight.
It didn’t take us long to figure out that we were perfect for each other, and six months after we met we were married.
The day I married Maggie was the happiest day of my life.