We both arrived at the apartment at 12:15pm and after dismissing the babysitter we loaded everything up and took a cab to Maggie’s friend’s house, where Lisa was going to meet us to hand over the keys and make sure we understood a few things about her dad’s car.
After a swift cab ride across town, we arrived at 1pm and, right on schedule, we found Lisa standing in the driveway smiling and dangling the car keys in her hand.
Bounding out of the cab, Maggie said, “Jimmy, will you tend to Layla?” and before I could answer she was running up the driveway, arms outstretched towards Lisa, squealing, “Oh my God! Look at that car!”
A little annoyed that she had just left me in the cab with Layla and all our stuff, I loaded the kid in her stroller and paid the cab driver, who had kindly piled up all our luggage on the sidewalk.
I glanced up at Maggie and she was already in the car.
As I pushed the stroller and Layla up the driveway, Maggie said, “Jim, come look at this car!”