Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart

Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart
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Page 264

Page 264

We drew together and as we stood not three feet in front of this glowing amorphous thing, it shifted into the form of a beautiful middle-aged woman. She had long white hair, was tall and thin, and in a very present and calm voice said, “Welcome home, Layla!”

I was startled awake by Maggie’s voice saying, “Hey, sleepyhead, it’s time to go home!”

Coming to, out of that dream, was a bit of a shock. Disoriented for a moment, I couldn’t tell which world I was in.

Then I focused on Maggie’s face and heard her say, “Get up, sweetheart, the cab should be here any minute.”

Lying there on the couch I could remember every detail of the dream as if I was still there. I think I was there with Layla somehow.

The cab arrived and as I said goodbye to Lisa we all piled into the car.

On our way home I stayed with the dream.

I wonder where we were, I thought, and then looking at Layla I couldn’t help but feel a deep love for her. Something was calling to me through this child, and it was very wonderful.