Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart

Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart
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Page 283

Page 283

Mama turned the manuscript back to the beginning and began to share the story. “The prophecy begins showing the life of the Nubian people. The text describes a people who are prospering and living in peace. They are living their daily lives and the text just describes the people and their history, and then one day the ‘Holy Woman’ comes. The story tells of a white woman, who was with child, entering the village. She came from another world and upon her arrival all the people felt a great peace. The rulers of the Nubian came to honor her and made a place for her to birth her child in the temple. In this scene you can see the birth, where she is attended by Nubian midwives, and then in this scene the birth of the child.”

Mama turned the page and continued, “The people are all kneeling before this child and the ruler and his court are bowing before the child, and in this symbol here we see they are calling her the ‘Child of Light!’

“Then a tragedy strikes. Holy Woman dies from a bee sting, and Child of Light is left alone with the Nubian.