Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart

Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart
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Page 337

Page 337

“I’m not surprised,” Maggie said. “Not surprised at all.”

It didn’t take long for the bank to agree to the terms of the sale. I met with Mama and explained that the money would transfer into a trust that she could share with her family in any way she wished. It took some convincing, but when she realized that the money could be shared by the entire family she came around and agreed to accept the full offer of $375,000.

Maggie and I were so happy to resolve the sale in this way. It felt like a win-win.

Within days, the sale closed and we were on our way.

We had movers come and were in Mama’s house three weeks after the closing, and soon it was clear that we had made the perfect choice.

The house was alive with people and activity. Layla had 24/7 babysitters and caregivers, and of course there was Buddy. He was growing like a weed and just a whirl of fur and paws and wagging tail in motion.

We couldn’t be happier.

Maggie and I were able to return to work and resume our careers and Layla and Buddy were thriving. Time began to pass in ease as we all lived our lives in the warmth and community of Mama’s house.