Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart

Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart
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Page 342

Page 342

“It’s just that most of us forget ourselves, our true selves, and the only difference between us and Layla is that she ain’t gonna forget. Layla came here to shine the Grace that we all already are but we forgot. That’s Layla’s gift to the world!”

“How can you train a 5-year-old about that, Mama?” I said, feeling a bit panicked.

“Well, the way I was taught, the old ways, they show us through nature. I’m gonna start takin’ her on long walks and showin’ her how the natural world is always shinin’ Grace on us all, ‘cause it’s obvious when your eyes are open to it. Then she’ll understand when she’s in her full power where this Grace comes from.”

Maggie said, “Where does it come from, Mama?”

And with a sweeping gesture of her arm she said, “Oh, look around you, child. Look around!”