Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart

Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart
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Page 58

Page 58

“Remember that I told you I started having dreams about a little girl, and that I wanted to talk to Mama about it? Well, in one of those dreams I saw Mama assisting in a home birth. I saw the whole thing, like I was there, and so one day I was in her shop buying flowers and I mentioned the dream. She invited me to come back later that evening. You were working late, so I did.”

“So what did Mama say about the dream?” I asked.

“Mama said that those kinds of dreams are important and that we should pay attention to them and that she could help me understand my dreams better if I wanted her help. I started having so many dreams about Layla, Jim, so I went to see Mama every week. We started talking about a lot of things and Mama is very wise and what she said really helped me.”

“What did she say?”

“She helped me understand these dreams, what they meant and why I was having them. She said I was having these dreams because a child was coming, a very special child, and that Mama was here to help.”

“At first I didn’t know what to think, it was all so strange. But there was something about Mama I trusted. Something about her and what she was saying felt real. I couldn’t explain it, but it all felt true to me somehow.”