Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart

Love Takes Over

A Page-by-page Novel by Scott Lockhart
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Page 92

Page 92

“Well, we both disappeared as her fingers broke the reflection in the pond into ripples, and in that instant I heard this sound I’ve never heard before and it filled every cell of my body. I fell back on the grass and when I came to I was lying on the bed in the nursery.”

“Sweetheart, what was the sound?” I asked.

“I didn’t know how to even describe it, so I went to Mama with the dream. I didn’t know what to make of it because it changed everything and it was so powerful and it scared me. I mean it scared me and it changed me and it was wonderful all at the same time.”

“So what did Mama say?”

“I went to see her the next day and told her the dream, and Mama was just sitting there with her eyes closed while I was telling her. Then when I was finished she took my hand and she looked me right in the eyes and she said, ‘That sound you heard, Maggie, that’s the sound of Life itself. That’s the universal sound that all things in heaven and earth make. That is what some people call Om.’ She said, ‘Just a minute child,’ and came back with an old cassette tape player and when she pushed the play button it was that sound. It was people chanting that sound. It was Om.”