A contemporary American love story set in the French Quarter of New Orleans and the Louisiana delta, with Jim and Maggie and their daughter Layla, along with their two Labrador Retrievers, Jake and Buster, and the colorful and often exotic and mysterious characters and places found in New Orleans and the Deep South, “Love Takes Over” engages our hearts and minds through the twists and turns of romance, marriage, parenting and ultimately death and the redemption that only true love can bring, showing us that the greater story of life and death, when fully embraced, often leads us to our most heroic selves.
“Love Takes Over” reminds us that we all play important and powerful roles in the lives of those we love and that often we must walk the road of grief, despair and forgiveness to find a deeper and more authentic love.
Addressing the nature of love, from the depths of tragic loss to the heights and unbridled joy of romantic love, is what we share with Jim, Maggie and Layla as they learn as human beings to accept and grow from loss and grief and eventually to fully appreciate the mystery of life and to surrender to a greater call—to surrender to life and to love and, finally, when all else has failed, to let Love Take Over.